🏡 home | currently growing | harvest ready | mbelcevic.me

Below are my in-progress notes, ideas and texts.
Links to in-progress content are always marked with 🪴.
More polished content is available in harvest ready

1) Main project of 2023: I'm writing a book

2) 🪴 Pseudocode and other poetry

3) 🪴 Product Management Resources 🪴

4) 🪴 books garden 🪴

5) 🪴 visually organize knowledge (and write a book) 🪴

6) 🪴 Working on your Digital Garden in Obsidian 🪴

7) 🪴 note-making and second brain 🪴

WIP / should look into / want to work on:

WIP Talks:

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