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3 Interesting Examples of Everyday Agility Beyond Tech

There is a whole world of Agile beyond software, technology, and ‘typical’ environments, and Agile in a low- or non-tech context. It’s super interesting, relatable, and illustrates the Agile mindset and principles nicely – but it is not the first thing people think about when they think Agile.

This is why I wanted to share 3 interesting, non-tech examples of everyday Agility that I loved. In no particular order


my 12 questions

Richard Feynman, a Nobel Prize winning physicist and unique, multi-faceted individual (drummer, raconteur, teacher, scientist) had a framework called 12 Questions (or 12 Problems), which has become a heart of the work of many note-makers, digital gardeners, Second Brain builders, and curious people around the world.

These are my 12 favorite and most important questions.
Read the full note my 12 questions

Blog post:

Learning to Learn: 5 Tips to Master Any Product Management Domain

As a product manager, you need to be able to quickly gain an understanding of the key aspects of a new field in order to serve your company. While learning on the job is inevitable, you will likely need basic domain knowledge during the application or interview stage to land the role. Even when this isn’t the case, you’ll still want to have the skills to lead your team and effectively shape products from day one.

This means that being a fast and curious learner is one of the most important assets you can have.
Read the full article on Toptal


digital garden

What's a digital garden, resources and examples.


about my garden(ing)

About my digital garden, tools and processes.

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